
What’s that you’re screaming in my ear? I can’t believe you managed to get through an insane, whirlwind month of this “blogging” business? Fuck yeah. And I crushed it. This isn’t my *first* time blogging, so obviously it was a lot easier than the usual first month, but still. It’s been months since I blogged, and I just fell in love with it all over again.

I love all you frens out there who’ve been giving me support, retweeting, commenting, and sharing my posts! That really means a lot to me. You know how much? *brings out tub of cookie dough ice cream* Here, you all get a scoop. That’s how much.


 Be Frank With Me

A sweet, surprisingly dramatic book about a nine year old genius, told from the perspective of his nanny/friend, Alice Whitney. This is one of those perfect little contemporary treasures that are just right when you need a pick-me-up from your dreary everyday life.

How to be Parisian Wherever You Are

I have an astonishingly fabulous review already published, so I’m not going to go into too much detail, but basically this book is an all-around guide to being a trés Parisienne in only the chic-est of ways. Vinaigrette* recipes to one night stands, it’s a satirical, rambunctious dip into the life of a Parisian woman.

*I had to look up how to spell that word. #oops

Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac

This book was not all sunshine and rainbows. The idea behind the story, a teen girl suddenly getting hit with amnesia after falling down a random set of stairs, was really interesting, but the way it was executed made all the shit that went down seem… well, meaningless. Which is disappointing and unsatisfying for readers. Plus, the main character and me did NOT get along together. She was a selfish, tyrannical asshat to her dad and cold to her friends. #whatisyourproblemgirl

These Shallow Graves

Hoooooooooly shit. This book was my favorite thing of EVER this month. And possibly this year as well, but let’s not get too excited. You can read my epic review of it, but basically it was full of ass-kicking English orphans and a cuddly romance and a grisly family murder. GO AND READ IT, MY CHILDREN.

This Savage Song

Welp. Scary-ass monsters and gorgeous writing aside, this book was sort of meh. But I still enjoyed reading it, no doubt about it. I know this is getting tedious at this point, but…. I have a review. And  it’s in much more depth and detail, so you know what, just go and read it, okay? At this point, it’s not even something you have to think about.

The Vacationers

Okay. OKAY. There was a lot of drama, and I just need to take a second and recover, okay? *swigs chamomile tea* So, a rich family and their extended family and friends on a holiday in Spain… shouldn’t be too bad, right? Hahahahhahahahahahah… fucking no. There were like three people having an affair, plus the bookworm daughter (who I related to so badly on vacations) who had a huge crush on her Spanish tutor, and then the gay couple who were adopting a kid simultaneously back in New York?! TAKE IT DOWN A NOTCH. OR TWO.

It was enjoyable, though. A whirlwind of sex and broken marriages, but an enjoyable one. I laughed way too many times at inappropriate situations. Which makes it a good summer read, because #obviously.


I’ve struggled so much with my weight in the past years. You don’t even want to know. So this sad, short story of an anorexic/bulimic girl in treatment was surprisingly intense for me. It was interesting to see from a viewpoint where a traumatic incident started the disorder, and all the emotions and feels flowing through her narrative? Just so goddamn relatable to anyone who’s hated their body at some point. *claps slowly*



 Asksjlfkdja;ldkhoewihflsdkavfbn. Don’t even get me started. I’m on the fourth season already, which means three+ episodes a day. I’m obsessed. How? did? I? not? watch? this? before? I have friends who absolutely love it, and now I’m finally getting their jokes. This is glorious for me. *throws salt wildly and shrieks at things*


*coughs nervously* Um, yes, you knew this was coming. If you haven’t already guessed by my frankly preposterous use of Sherlock gifs in my posts, I am a little addicted. Which means that I watch our ten episodes monthly. IN ORDER. And cry at the Reichenbach because SHERLY. DON’T. NO.

Downton Abbey

Okay, okay, I’ll admit it: I got a little bored. I was going strong until the middle of the third season, and then I just got sick of the drama. AND I LIVE FOR DRAMA. But people kept dying and getting married and going to jail and it all got so repetitive, you know? How many fucking times can one servant spy on another and start gossip? And how did goddamn Thomas work his way up to secondary butler? Although I still love him anyways, he is my smol bean for life. *cuddles him aggressively*

Worst Cooks In America

Does anyone watch this show anymore? Is it just me? I think it’s actually improving my cooking, because ever since I started watching again, my family has been blown away by my superb… meatball sandwiches. Aw, yeah. You know you want one. My secret? Add garlic butter to the bread before toasting it in the oven… gives it that salty crunch that you can’t resist. #okthisisnotafoodblogbutmaybeitshouldbe


Views: 400 (that makes my OCD happy)

Visitors: 143

Likes: 37

Comments: 79

Top Post: Ten Books That Crave a Spot in Your Beach Bag

You people are magical. All one hundred and forty three of you. That is actually a surprising amount now that I think about it. AND SEVENTY-NINE COMMENTS. YOU ARE THE MOST ACTIVE AND FRIENDLY CUPCAKES EVER. I’m almost crying, this makes me so happy.


Cait @ Paper Fury gave us a list of absolutely absurd things that have happened to her during her book blogging reign.

Tika @ Fangirl Confessions wrote a stunning review of It Ends With Us.

Angel @ Avid Reader wrote a kickass essay about how YA impacts teens and young adults in response to the viral hate article.

And Stacee @ Too Fond of Books gave us a fabulous guide on how to bookstagram properly. Because we mortals need to learn.

let's discuss copy

How’d you do for August? Any interesting reads? Funny/dramatic/HEARTBREAKING shows you’ve watched and can recommend? I keep meaning to get back into Orange is the New Black, but I just can’t commit to that level of emotion right now. It’s too much. Also I’m obsessed with Hamilton and we need to have a heart to heart about it RIGHT NOW.



  1. Ooh ice cream, my favorite, ha! Now I’m seriously craving cookie dough ice cream now though. These Shallow Graves has so many mixed reviews, so I’m glad to see you enjoyed it, and it makes me want to read it even more. I haven’t watched any of those TV shows though 😦 I’m so behind on everything TV, I mainly just watch Disney Channel and Spongebob with my younger sister. Whoops, I need to do something better with my life. And that’s awesome that you’ve had 400 pages views and 143 visitors! I always get so excited when I see that my stats have gone up as well. Anyways, great post, and I hope you have a great September!


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